Peace Corps is a camp, in that "life in a bubble" way not always in that "wow, this is so great, positive and energizing" way. Everything is a And extreme. The highs and the lows are magnified. If Peace Corps had a TV series it would be something like "The Real World" meets "The Twilight Zone". My screwy episode...Life, In Bold Italics.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Daily boringness, followed by friendly goodness.

Recommitting to writing in this thing on a daily basis, I sit here at close to 10pm and wonder what to write about. Not every day can be deep and earth-shattering. Thank God! Today was no exception: I went to work #1 (the municipality) killed time until lunch....went to work #2 (the NGO) chatted for a bit about actually trying to do something meaningful while I'm here (God forbid). Then I came home, chatted online a bit with some friends, talked to the Peace Corps staff about being placed in a project factory that doesn't actually do or change anything and then watched "Hidalgo" while eating chicken parm. Yeah, I could have done that anywhere.

After all of that though I caught my friend Meg online. Meg rocks, that's the gist of it. I want to meet more of my future friends the way I met her: by interviewing her. See, I don't follow those interview rules of asking questions like "what is your biggest weakness?" No, I make the person keep up with me in conversation. It requires someone to be quick and smart and to not annoy the crap out of me (the last being the most important and most rare). I can work with most shortcomings beyond that. So, the person I interviewed before Meg was perfectly smart and lovely, but she would have been more comfortable working with someone more, er, tactful. I test for that too. I get riled up about work sometimes and I need someone who can hack it. Also, I like relaxed work environments and in a relaxed setting conversation can get pretty darn candid. A person doesn't have to contribute to bawdy conversation, but they can't be offended either. Luckily I had a good example to offer: the day before the staff was engaged in a conversation about high colonics. It got detailed and loud and we were laughing our asses off. I mention this to girl #1 and her eyes got really big and she squirmed. Um, no. Mentioned it to Meg and she leaned forward and said "Really? Like what about them?" That's when I knew. Meg and I were meant to be.

Our work relationship was really casual and included a lot of laughing and just having a good time. Well, tonight's conversation was no exception. Meg knows me pretty well - she knows when to push things or poke fun, when to sympathize and when to just say "that's fucked up". It's like a good counselor mixed with a drinking buddy. Actually, it's just like a really amazing drinking buddy. God, I wish Meg was here (and brought good beer with her). I could really use a good drinking buddy right about now. Someone to piss and moan and laugh with. Here's to Meg. Cheers!

PS - As a further ode to Meg: In our IMs tonight, I mentioned this posting to her, esp. the high colonic part, and among her comments were: "is a high colonic more 'cathartic' than a regular colonic?" Nice.
PPS - Yes, yes, I know. My hiring practices are totally illegal. Luckily, the only people bold enough to sue me are those I'd hire.


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